Time Responsible Task Location
08:30 Music Team Music team setup & rehearsal Chapel
08:45 AV Team Setup, retest equipment, AV and YouTube Live Stream checks Chapel
08:45 AV Team (Slides Preparer, Operator), Music Team Perform a test run through the presentation slides and any embedded videos or special requests. Music Team to check lyrics and sequencing in ProPresenter. Chapel
08:45 FelloWorship Coordinator Review roster, ad-hoc tasks in checklist Chapel
09:00 Morning Tea Morning Tea preparation and setup Kitchen
09:00 KidZone Team Setup and start Hall
09:00 Welcoming Team Setup communion table & QR code sign-in stand Foyer
09:00 AV Team (Sound Desk/Camera) Confirm with speaker whether they want a lapel or hands free microphone and test the cable connection if speaker bring their own laptop Chapel
09:00 AV Team (Sound Desk/Camera) Test speaker slides, if any Chapel
09:00 FelloWorship Coordinator Ensure rostered servants are present and find replacements if needed Chapel
09:15 Welcoming Team Greet, usher & take attendance Hallway/Entrance
09:15 Music Team Music Team rehearsal ceases – SILENT MEDITATION Chapel
09:15 President Liaise with FelloWorship Coordinator to confirm availability of rostered servants Chapel
09:15 President, All except Welcoming team Servants gather for roll call & prayer of consecration lead by President Balcony Room
09:20 All Take designated positions. President, Speaker and Bible Reader to sit in front row. Chapel
09:25 Music Team Instrumental Prelude Chapel
09:30 Music Team Begin Sunday Worship Gathering Chapel
11:00 AV Team Pack all equipment and lock AV room Chapel
11:00 Music Team, Welcoming Team Pack all equipment and keep back supplies Chapel