- The best preparation involves prayer, meditating on the sermon passage and topic, working out the flow, introductions and bridges, rehearsing the week before, writing out what you will say, etc. Ensure the run sheet is completed in Planning Center using the standard template so everyone in the teams can see what is happening. Your role is to be the leading worshippers who call, model and bring the congregation into the glorious and majestic presence of our Trinitarian God.
- Arrive early on Sunday by 8:30 am to setup and rehearse. Coordinate well with the president and the AV team in regard to the timing and flow of the worship service.
- Ensure the lyrics and sequencing on ProPresenter is correct.
- At 9:15 am sharp stop rehearsing and gather in the Balcony Room for roll call and prayer with other servants.
- The person(s) playing the prelude from 9:25 am onwards must cease playing by or just before 9:30 am.
- Irrespective of the numbers present in the Chapel, start exactly at 9:30 am.
- In case there are technical difficulties, liaise with the AV Team & FelloWorship Coordinators and start with the Communion.