Arrive by 9:15 am.
The President for the day is responsible to conduct Communion, Church Prayers, and Offering.
Communion Reflection: Communion is not a sermon. It is primarily a reminder of its importance and centrality, especially to Churches of Christ, and the glorious gospel message it carries. It is also a point of unity among the universal global church across time and space. Try and keep it brief, approximately 3 minutes. Be as creative and relevant as you like to ensure it does not become routine or a ‘rut-ual’. Keep the focus on the gospel of King Jesus’ redemptive rule and reign, particularly the contemporary significance and the implications of celebrating his glorious life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension. When delivering your communion remarks, remember to maintain eye contact with the church and keep the microphone close to your lips to maximise volume.
Preparation: Arrive early and gather everyone on the roster to meet in the Balcony Room for roll call and a prayer of consecration. Confirm with the song leader, the songs and the last verse or chorus prior to the communion segment.
Prayer: It is highly recommended you write out your church prayers beforehand rather than ad lib, and practice praying it out loud to ensure it is within approximately 3-4 minutes. In preparing your prayers the following acrostic (‘PRAY POWERFULLY’) may be helpful:
**P**raise the Lord, **P**roclaim His Greatness
**R**emember and **R**ejoice with Thanksgiving
Acknowledge Sins, Ask Forgiveness
Yield to God’s Guidance
Political Authorities
Oppressed and Outcast People
Weak, Wounded, Worried People
Emergencies on Earth
Revival and Readiness for Christ’s Return
Family, Friends, Fellow Christians
Unsaved and Uncommitted People
Leaders and Labourers in the Kingdom
Lonely and Least
Yourself -Trudy Vander Veen